Thursday, July 14, 2016

Fresh Start!!

It's been a while since I've taken the time to post to this blog. Make no mistake that I have been continuously writing behind the scenes but I just had to take a minute.

I had to take my own advice and realize that taking a step back to reevaluate and restructure didn't mean my failure it only showed the fight within me.

With that said I will keep this one short and sweet and first say thank you to everyone that has continued to support Pages Of Vision. The people who have messaged and emailed me and encouraged me to come back to my writing.

There are so many good things to come so stay tuned and be sure to follow and like @PagesOfVision on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter,  and Instagram.

Remember that all it takes to accomplish your dreams is to get started!!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Catching My Breath!!

Hi All,

I'm so glad to be getting back in the swing of things. As I always say sometimes you have to step back to reevaluate and get things in order!!

I just wanted to share something I've noticed really quickly. With the new year you will notice how we all flood the social media platforms with "the new year new me" posts. The thing is this...we can clear our friends lists, we can deactivate our accounts, and even stop talking to certain people. None of these things serve as the actual problem. They serve as vessels for our excuses and finger pointing. Just like in math you have to look at the common denominator here!!! The only thing all these drama filled situations have in common is YOU!!

So while I think it is wonderful that we are taking the time to reflect and come up with new strategies to make life more fulfilling I'd urge you to look within yourself first!!

Please be sure to subscribe to our blog and join our email list for weekly motivation and inspiration!!

Thanks for allowing me to motivate and inspire you today!!


Thursday, September 3, 2015

Take A Trip

Hi All,

I've been on a #journey for awhile now and sometimes I find it pertinent to sit back and #reflect on the journey, where I started, where I am now and where I will end up. #TeamPagesOfVision and #TeamGFit have been my blessing and some days my biggest pain and through it all I wouldn't change a thing and am #Excited about what's to come. #Share your #pics and tag #TeamPagesOfVision so we can see who you #Be!!

#LovingLifeThursday #LoveLove #gratitude #selflove #LikeUs!! #Smooches #flipagram #KindredtheFamilySoul

Monday, February 23, 2015

Happy Is A Choice: How to Pray for your Boyfriend

I was so happy when I found this blog. There are so many resources for passing for your husband or your fiance but there are some of us who haven't made it to that part in our journey and so this is for us!!!

Happy Is A Choice: How to Pray for your Boyfriend: I believe in the power of prayer, and I think that praying for the people we love is so important, in our spiritual walk as well as those...

Friday, December 12, 2014

Some Thoughts

Sometimes it takes something drastic to make you realize where you really are mentally and physically in life. Something serious has to happen to snap us back into the reality that is our truth.

However there are other things where the realization is very subtle. We didn't see it coming and with the softest "touch" it impacted us with a bang. I'd like to say I believe that is what has happened to me.

I will be honest that I don't know which way  this road is going and what the journey will be like but what I am sure of is the outcome! I am sure that I will motivate and inspire millions in this year and I hope that I can start with those of you that are reading this right now!

I appreciate and #love you so please stay tuned!! Please #FollowUs on all social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and now we are happy to announce NEW BOARDS ON PINTEREST!!!


Pages Of Vision

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Phenomenal Woman

The first poem I ever wrote was entitled "Sistas United." Very vividly I remember my inspiration when my mother, for what reason I don't remember, recited "Phenomenal Woman" by Maya Angelou. She smiled and swayed her hips as she recited each line with pride as if she had written the words herself. As she recited the line "I'm not cute or built to suit to a fashion model size" then playfully tapped me on my nose as I sat on her bed watching in awe. I wanted my words to make someone feel that type of pride and confidence. It was like my first high and I never put my pen down after that. 

As a human being I am naturally sad when anyone leaves this earth but there was something about this news that just shook me. Over the years I have read and paid attention to any article written by or about the writing genius. This isn't one of those long entries where I can do anything but pour out my admiration for the legacy she has left in words and feelings. I am so thankful for all that I am today because of the advice and quotes that Maya shared with the world. Her voice could be recognized in the dark and her words can be felt in the midst of the darkest days. Just being who she was with no fillers I see all that is phenomenal inside me and again I am grateful. 

I truly believe that all I need to achieve everything I want to achieve as a writer and a woman is already inside of me just waiting on me to tap into it. There will be days when the light seems so dark that you just can't go on...this will happen for both you and I but we must rise up from those things. Les Brown once said "if you fall down try and land on your back because if you can see up you can get up." We would not be here right now together had we not constantly landed on our backs. Not everyone will get me and that is fine. Not everyone will feel my words and thats fine too. As long as I stay true to the craft that I love I feel I do myself some honor and over and over I say THANK YOU!! Thank you for sharing your gift so freely and so openly. 

Tag #TeamPagesOfVision with your favorite Maya Angelou quotes and we'll be sure to hit you back!!! 

#LikeUs, #Follow, and Tell Your Friends about Pages of Vision...Motivating and Inspiring Your Inner You!!

Friday, May 9, 2014

5 Ways To Get Proactive!!!

Each day I start out with my "to do" list. Complete with errands to run, emails to return, and bills to pay. I make sure each activity has a specific timeline and clear duration requirements to help me stay on track. As I make this list I feel the determination inside me to make sure I complete all the things on the list because in my heart I know that everything on my list is something I'm capable to complete with little effort or time.

So I sit down at the computer with bills and debit card in hand. The next thing I know it's two hours later YouTube is showing how to do it for the Vine and the debit card is sitting on the same stack of bills untouched. Naturally it wasn't on purpose and I try to get myself back on track. Deciding to get things done I walk to the kitchen for a glass of water hoping to jolt my motivation to finish the tasks at hand but along the way the new edition of Ebony magazine catches my eye. Next thing I know another two hours has passed, my tea is cold (which was supposed to be a glass of water but I made tea instead), Ebony is telling me about the best jeans for my body shape and the debit card is sitting on the same stack of bills untouched. Trying to bring myself back to the task at hand I walk back to the computer and think to myself "I can look up the website Ebony listed for those fabu bracelets" and well you know what comes next!

Over the years I've really battled with making sure I stay on task and avoiding the ever so appealing action of procrastination. Here are some techniques I've learned that aide me in staying away from Ebony and YouTube when my "to do" list is overflowing and in need of attention.

  • Shorten the "To Do" List - This may seem like just another form of procrastination and I see your raised brow but hear me out. With 10 things on the "to do" list it's easier to pick the least important most tolerable "fun" thing to do instead of handling whats priority. So "cleaning out the junk drawer" should never take president over "pay the light bill." By shortening the list to approximately 3-5 things that are absolutely high priority we'll be more productive and save the mundane tasks that are actually only serving as supporters to our procrastination for the next "to do" list or a weekend project. 

  • Broadcast It - I have found that when I know others are depending on me I'm more likely to accomplish whatever the task maybe. Something as simple as a post to social media can conjure up support that you may not have even known you had. If you know that a friend is going to check in to see how the doctors appointment went, to inquire about your day at the gym or in my case, ask when the next blog entry is coming, you're more likely to stick to your commitments because you want to have something great to report (we all like to boast from time to time). Utilize email, Facebook, and even Twitter...a mass text could be helpful in holding you accountable.

  • Grab A Partner - I'm not sure about you but I hate to be stood up. It's because of that it's not likely I'll stand anyone else up. Invite a friend to ride with you while you run errands around town. Lunch with the bestie is always a great incentive for me to get out and about. There have been times when the sun beams through my window and my mattress seems to have my body in a pillowy (is that a word lol) choke hold I think "maybe I'll just do it tomorrow" but when the text or phone call comes through to see if I'm still going or what time we are going to meet up I'm jolted back into proactive mode and I hit the ground running. Before I know it I've ran errands and am enjoying my mid day mojito!!

  • Don't be So Hard On Yourself - Get done all that you can and at the end of the day write a "Done" list. Write all the things that you have accomplished in the day even the little things. Let that be the last thing you focus on when it comes to errands, chores, and household responsibilities. If you must write a "to do" list for the following day do so before writing your "Done" list and add "wrote "to do" list for tomorrow" to the "Done" list. Accomplishing something is always better than accomplishing nothing. 

As an aide to the above listed suggestions I have found meditation to be a great help. Many people believe that meditation is simply being in deep thought but in fact it's more than that. Through meditation you allow your mind to still and silence and instead you are able to sit, without thinking, with only your feelings. Yes, sometimes I sit with my feelings of procrastination. I visualize and feel my sense of accomplishment when my errands and business is handled. I channel my overwhelming feelings of motivation and I simply sit in all those feelings and emotions without thinking and simply feeling...just being!!

No matter what road you choose choose the proactive road. Just remind yourself that "the sooner you start the sooner you'll be done" as my G-Ma used to say! 

We'd love to hear your ideas and tips on staying focused and proactive. In the comments section below leave your comments, suggestions, and tips. You can find more Pages Of Vision if you #LikeUs, #Follow, and check us out on Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest and as always Peace, Love, and Motivation!! #TeamPagesOfVision